Current rebates & tax incentives


Since the abolishment of the HST in 2013, Solar panels and equipment sold with the panels such as wiring, inverters, charge controllers, etc are PST exempt!

Note: Batteries are not considered exempt at this time.

Reginal District of Nanaimo

Homeowners in RDN Electoral Areas and the District of Lantzville get a $250 rebate for upgrading to energy efficient technology in their home! The following systems are eligible for this incentive:

  • Photovoltaic
  • Solar Hot Water
  • Geoexchange (ground-source or water-source)
  • Micro (under 1 kW) and small wind (1 to 10 kW)


Currently the Federal government does not offer any incentives to the residential customer. If you are a small/home based business or a corporate entity, the following may apply to you:

  • Capital Cost Allowance (CCA) Renewable Energy
    The Government of Canada makes clean energy projects, such as solar energy, wind energy and energy from waste, more fiscally attractive for industry by providing business income tax incentives. Under Classes 43.1 and 43.2 in Schedule II of the Income Tax Regulations, certain capital costs of systems that produce energy by using renewable energy sources or fuels from waste, or conserve energy by using fuel more efficiently are eligible for accelerated capital cost allowance. Under Class 43.1, eligible equipment may be written-off at 30 percent per year on a declining balance basis. In general, equipment that is eligible for Class 43.1 but is acquired after February 22, 2005 and before year 2020 may be written-off at 50 percent per year on a declining balance basis under Class 43.2.
  • Canadian Renewable and Conservation Expenses (CRCE)
    CRCE is designed to encourage commercial investments in clean energy generation and energy conservation projects by providing income tax incentives for certain start-up expenses associated with these projects.